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Diets aren't necessarily good for you. If you want to lose a few pounds, do not starve yourself. Eat healthy and exercise. There are great ways to keep yourself healthy, by eating foods that taste good, which helps maintain a healthy body weight or lose a few pounds as well. Good nutrition is essential for organ development and functioning, normal reproduction, growth, and maintenance. Eat healthy. Stay Healthy. 


Eat Healthy. Stay Healthy. 

Essential Nutrients:

5% grains, 35% vegetables, 8oz water, 15% fruits, 25% proteins

Proteins: â€‹

  • important component of body: helps with skin, hair, and nails

  • used to build and repair tissues

  • helps make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals

  •  important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood


  • best source of energy for all types of body functions (brain and central nervous system)

  • assists in digestion, good for metabolism



  • provide nutrients that are vital for the health and maintenance of our bodies

  • can help reduce risks of chronic disease

  • can reduce risk of heart problems

  • can help with weight management


  • contain essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber

  • ​contain phytochemicals 

  • helps protect against cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure

Dairy products: contain many nutrients, provide quick and easy way of supplying these nutrients to diet with few calories-

    Calcium - for healthy bones and teeth
    Phosphorous - for energy release
    Magnesium - for muscle function
    Protein - for growth and repair
    Vitamin B12 - for production of healthy cells
    Vitamin A - for good eyesight and immune function
    Zinc - for immune function
    Riboflavin - for healthy skin
    Folate - for production of healthy cells
    Vitamin C - for formation of healthy connective tissues.
    Iodine - for regulation of the body's rate of metabolism (how quickly the body burns energy and the rate of growth


  • ​carry varying portions of minerals, vitamins, carbs, and fiber

  • contain phytochemicals

  • anticarcinogenic agents


  • small amount of fats are important for normal functioning

  • allow you to absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)

  • helps promote normal growth and development

  • monounsaturated fat: lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol

  • polyunsaturated: heart protector, helps lower risk of cancer

  • saturated: found in animal products, whole milk, tropical oils, etc. (can be very unhealthy; eat nonfat or lowfat items)

  • trans fat: very unhealthy

BMI: Body Mass Index

What is BMI?

  • body mass index: provides an indicator of body fatness for most people

  • can help doctors identify people who are overweight and at risk of developing medical issues in the future

  • To the right is an example of an online BMI calculator

  • All you have to do is insert your height and weight and the calculator will compute your BMI

  • To the right, it shows the categories which determine if you are underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese

  • Depending on your BMI, you can determine how many calories you need to consume per day and how much exercise you need in order to become or remain healthy

  • Typically, one has to look at their age, BMI, and the amount of exercise they get (sedentary, moderate, or active) in order to determine how many calories to consume in a day.

Am I Fat?

​Here is an approximate table of the BMI for adults.


Here is an equation for staying healthy:

Set amount of calories + more exercise = healthy weight


For losing weight:

Fewer calories + more exercise= weight loss


How Many Calories Should I Intake?

Always consult with your physician before making huge lifestyle or dietary changes. However, it is good to know approximately how many calories you must consume based on your BMI. Click on the link to find a calculator which will compute how many calories you should consume daily (depending on whether you want to gain, lose, or maintain your weight).

The "Recommended Foods" tab will take you to website which will tell you how many calories you are recommended to eat per day based on your daily life (activity, current height and weight). It tells you the recommended minimums for the different minerals you must consume per day. You can even click on each mineral to see some healthy options on what you can eat! 

By clicking on the vitamin or mineral needed to consume, it gives you a list of different types of food choices high in that particular mineral or nutrient. When clicking on that subsection, you can find specific food options. After clicking the specific food options, you will see something like what is on the left. It gives you the nutrition facts about the specific food, if it's good for weight loss/weight gain, the calroic ratio, and nutritional target map. 

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